Some of the features included with Canvas LMS are course management, user authentication and enrollment, viewing and editing posts from any device, and many more. Canvas LMS integrates seamlessly with hundreds of apps, empowering teachers and students with countless tools to make teaching and learning easier and more fun. Whether you are a learner or a trainer, you will be able to create innovative and meaningful content using Canvas LMS. For more about Canvas LMS, please check its Homepage

Ruby version 2.5.3 Rails version 5.2.1 PostgreSQL Server

Install Ruby

To install Ruby and Rails on Ubuntu, you’ll need to install some dependencies. To make that happen, install Node.js and Yarn repositories. This will make installing the dependencies easier. First, install these curl and git packages. Then run the commands below to add Node.js and Yarn repositories and keys to your system. Then install some core packages to get your environment going. When you’re done. continue below: After adding the repositories and installing the necessary packages above, install Ruby with your local profile settings using rbenv. you’ll then use rbenv to install ruby-build. After setting up your local profile. run the commands below to install Ruby version 2.5.3. If a newer version is available, replace the version number with that. visit this site to find out Ruby’s latest versions. To verify that Ruby is installed, run the commands below: You should see similar lines below: Another package management you’ll want to install is bundler. For Canvas LMS, install bundler version 1.13.6 by running the commands below: Now run the command below after installing the bundler.

Install PostgreSQL Server

PostgreSQL server can be installed on Ubuntu by running the commands below: The commands above won’t necessarily install the latest version of PostgreSQL. If you want the latest, you may want to read the post below: After installing the PostgreSQL server, you can run the commands below to create a database user called canvas. When prompted to create a password, type and confirm one, then continue. After that, run the commands below to create a new database called canvas_production, then make canvas owner. Exit and continue with installing Canvas LMS. After installing Postgres, you will need to set your system username as a postgres superuser. You can do so by running the following commands:

Install Yarn

Now that the Ruby environment is set up, run the commands below to install Rails. Rails can be installed from Node.Js. Run the commands below to install the Node.js repository, then install the Node.js package. Rubygems also comes installed by default, however, it could be an old version which will cause problems. Update using:

Install Canvas LMS

Now that your environment is ready, run the commands below to install Canvas LMS and build your first site.  Next, run the commands below. The best way to use this guide is to follow each step as it happens. No code or step needed to make this example application has been left out, so you can follow along step-by-step. To begin, open a terminal, navigate to the home folder and download Canvas packages. While still in your home folder, run the commands below to configure the Canvas environment. Next, run the commands below to create a Canvas dynamic settings file and its database configuration file. Edit the file config/database.yml and set your Canvas Database credentials. Edit the production configuration lines and save. Finally, run the commands below to download all Canvas dependencies. When you’re done with those, run the commands below to set up Canvas. Open up a browser on the same computer as the one running the server and navigate to http://localhost:3000/ and log in with the user credentials you set up during database configuration. Congratulation! You have successfully installed the Canvas LMS platform on Ubuntu 16.04 | 18.04 | 18.10 You may also like the post below: