If you want to develop simple websites and blogs, then FlintCMS is a great place to start. Using FlintCMS to edit your content on the web should be easy and fun. No need for learning templating and HTML. It hides most of that stuff and focuses on what matters most. For more about FlintCMS, check its homepage. These are the packages we’re going to set up.

Ruby version 2.5.3 Node.js 8 MongoDB

Install Ruby

To install Ruby on Ubuntu, you’ll need to install some dependencies. To make that happen, install Node.js and Yarn repositories. This will make installing the dependencies easier. First, install these curl and git packages. Then run the commands below to add Node.js and Yarn repositories and keys to your system. Then install some core packages to get your environment going. When you’re done. continue below: After adding the repositories and installing the necessary packages above, install Ruby with your local profile settings using rbenv. you’ll then use rbenv to install ruby-build. After setting up your local profile. run the commands below to install Ruby version 2.5.3. If a newer version is available, replace the version number with that. visit this site to find out Ruby’s latest versions. To verify that Ruby is installed, run the commands below: You should see similar lines below: The steps above install Ruby on Ubuntu. Continue below to install FlintCMS.

Install Node.js

Now that the Ruby environment is set up, run the commands below to install Node.js. Run the commands below to install the Node.js repository, then install the Node.js package. Now that Node.js is installed, run the commands below to install FlintCMS.

Install MongoDB

MongoDB is the database that HashBrown CMS uses… So install MongoDB, and ImageMagic before continuing with setting up your website projects… After installing the MongoDB server, open a new terminal window and try It should start an interactive mongo prompt. ctrl+c to exit.

Install FlintCMS

Now that your environment is ready, run the commands below to install FlintCMS globally and begin building your projects. The next command will create a new project folder called FlintCMS in your home directory. Create a new folder for FlintCMS and change it, and start the server from there. After a while, necessary packages should be installed and configured, ready to use. Every JavaScript app needs an entry point. You’ll want to create a new JavaScript file, probably index.js, at the root of your project and fill it with something like this: Then copy and page the content into the file and save. When you’re ready, you can run the server by running node index.js in your terminal. That should start the server. By default, your newly created site will be accessible from: Before you can access the FlintCMS admin UI, you need to create a new admin user.  Head to http://localhost:4000/admin/install. Follow the setup instructions to create a new admin user. Enjoy! Congratulation! You have successfully installed FlintCMS on Ubuntu 16.04 | 18.04 You may also like the post below: